De Sille, Nicasius, Career ot, 3: 393-93;
appointed firsl councillor in Stuyvesant's
coundl, 1633 Je 6; Amsterdam Chamber
gives, open letter, Jl 24; unfavourably re¬
ceived by Stuyvesant and coundl, Jl 34;
petition for a commission, etc., Jl 24; sails
from Holland, Ag 33; account of voyage and
arrival. Ag 23; later succeeded C. Van Tien¬
hoven as prov. fiscal. Ag 23; schout. Ag 23;
arrives at N. Am., Ag 23, N 3; ground-brief
to. 1654 My 22. 2: 395; description of N,
Nelh. in letler to M. Van Beeckerke. My 23;
letler lo A. de Mist Uyten Haghe in praise of
N. Neth., S 23; unfortunate second mar¬
riage {!6ss), 2; 292; with (^v. Stuyvesant on
exi^ition against Swedes. 1655 S s; letter
to Bontemantel complaining against Stuy¬
vesant and Van Tlenhoven. O 27; "not
trustworthy" says Stuyvesant. O 28; reply
of. to Stuyvesant's proposals on Indian trou¬
bles. N 27; appointed church-warden. 1656
fa 34; appointed fiscal in place ot Van Tien-
oven. Mr 13; asks council tor Van Tien¬
hoven's books and papers. Mr 13; coundl
orders to lake inventory of Van Tienhoven's
peraonal effects, Mr 13; appointed dty
schout. My 30; complaint ot, against D, de
Ferera, 4 A 1656 je 25; called conference on
wampum, 1637 Ja 3; endeavoura to depose
burgomasters, Je 26; fire-buckets to hang al
house ot, D 15; ground-brief lo, for No. 3.
Block J. Castello Plan (C. Pl. 82a). D 19. 2:
379. 390; deeds trom (1638 el seg.). 395-g6;
to notify ownera of land on North R. to level
their banks, 1658 Ap 11; to order vacant lots
fenced, Ap 11; persons willing to protect
country trom Indians to apply to, for infor¬
mation, i65g S 29; granted right to seize carts
if cartmen found riding on them, D 16;
house and garden of. No. 12. Block L, Cas¬
tdlo Plan (1660), 3: 292-93; partner in
hoise-mill, 1660; conducted case against H. J,
Claarbout, Ja 15; ordered lo renew placards
of ordinances yearly, Ja 22; at conference
with Indian chiefs, My 18. je 3; complains of
attacks by dogs at night, Jl 8; and burgomas¬
ters draft placard on the hooting after In¬
dians and cutting the Koeck-hacken, jl 8;
census of houses in N. Am. by, Jl 10. 1663 Ap
19. 1686. (C. Pis. 83-84) a: 209-11, 349-51;
house sold to N. D. Bayart (1661), 2; 279,
390; re-appolnted church-warden, 1661 Mr
3; confirmed, 1664 Mr 10; complains of
overcharge for coals-of-arms in the
church window, 1662 Mr 28; confirmed by
Stuyveaant and council as church-warden,
1664 Mr 10; treaty of peace between sachems
of many tribes and Dutch signed by. My 15:
date ot death of, not found, 293; estate
partitioned between wife and (1670), 2;
293; house and garden aold to Thos. Delavall
(1672), 293