THE WILL OF ROBERT COLEMAN JR.In Ye Name of God Amen I Robert Coleman of ye County of Essex in ye dominion of Virginia considering how frail men is & being in a low Estate of body but of Sound mind & memory have thought fit to make this my last will & Testament in manner and form following Revoking all other wills whatsoever

first I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it me my body I desire to be Christian Like buried at ye discretion of my Executrix hereafter named

Secondly I desire that all my debts be paid by my Executrix

Thirdly I give unto my son Thomas my son Robert & my Daughter Elizabeth Each of them twenty Shillings to be paid to them within one year after my death.

4th I give unto my son Edward Coleman half ye tract of land that I purchased of Capt. Thomas Pettet ye whole tract being four hundred eighty eight acres & my will & desire is that my son Edward above named have that part next & adjoining to Bolens Line to him and his heirs for ever.

5ly I give unto my daughter Grissel Chamberlin & to ye issue of her body Lawfully begotten or to be begotten the other half o ye land that I purchased of Capt. Thomas Pettet & for want of such issue to my daughter Anne & ye issue of her body Lawfully begotten or to be begotten & for want of such issue to the next in blood.

6ly I give & bequeath to my Loving wife Anne Coleman all that my tract or seat of land yt I have in possession at the place whereon I now live during her natural Life and at her death my will is that my son Spilsbe Coleman have the land whereon I now live with all ye Rites & priviliges to it belonging to him & the issue of his body Lawfully begotten or to be begotten & for want of such Issue to the next heir in blood. All ye rest of my lands that I is not already given away be they of what nature or quality soever I give unto my daughter Anne Coleman & to her heirs for Ever.

all ye rest of my Estate both real & personal or be it of what nature soever I do give & bequeath unto my Loving wife Anne Coleman who I do appoint to be my whole and sole Executrix of this my Last Will & Testament. And it is my will & desire that my Estate be not brought to an appraisement but that my sd Executrix doo Enter into bond to pay all my debts & Legacies

Robert Coleman (Seal)