Know all men by these presents that wee Tunis VanderVeer of the township of Freehold in the County of Monmouth yeoman, Hendrick VanderVeer of East New Jersey in the County of Summersett yeoman, Johannes VanderVeer of Flattbush in Kings County and Province of Newyork yeoman, Isaac Van Nuys of East New Jersey in the County of Summersett yeoman, Femmetje VanderVeer, and Sara VanderVeer, both of Flattbush in Kings County above said. spinsters Do Make ordaine Constitued and by these Presents Do Make ordaine and Constitute and in our Places and stead putt and Deputt our truety and Loving Brothers Cornelius VanderVeer, Michiel VanderVeer, Jacob VanderVeer, and John VanderVeer, all of the County of Monmouth Summersett and Kings Country as out true and Lawful attorneys for us and in our names and for our use to sell a Certaine piece of Parcell of Land Lying at a place Called Cramberry Brook, and to Give sufficient Deed for the same, and to alsoe Demand Sue for Levy Recover and Recieve all such sum and sums of Money, Debts, Goods, Wares, Dues, accompts, and other Demands Whatsoever, which are or shall be Due, Owing Payable and belonging to us, or Detained from us by any manner of wayes or means Whatsoever, by any Person or Persons Whatsoever, Giving and Granting unto our said Attorneyes by thse Presents, our full and whole power strength and authority in and about the Premises, to have use and
take all Lawfull wayes and means in our names for the Recovery thereof, and upon the Receipte of any such Debts, or sum or sums of money as aforesaid, Acquittances, or other sufficient Discharges for us and in our names, to make seal and Deliver, and generally all and every act and acts, thing and things, Device and Devices in the Law whatsoever, neddful and necessary to be done in the Premisses, of the Recovery of all or any such Debts, or sums of money aforesaid for us and in our names to Doand Execute and perform, as fully Largely, and apply to all Interests and Purposes as wee ourselves might or Could Doe, if we was parcelly Present or as the matter Required more special authority then is herein Given fo the Purposses aforesaid to make and Constitute and againe at Pleasure to Revoke, Ratifying allowing and holding for firm effectuall all and whatsoever our said attornyes shall Lawful Do in and about the Premises by virtue hereof. In Witness whereof wee the above named have hereunto sett our hands and seals this 29th. Day of November 1732.
Sealed and Delivered
Abraham Lott
Teüneis Vanderveer
Hendrick Van Der Veer
Johannes Van DerVeer
Isaac Van Nuys
Femmetje Van der Veer
Sara Van Der Veer