Note: by Rick Waggener, direct descendant:
Edward must have been born in Essex County, and moved to Spotsylvania County in the early 1740's. He must have met and married his first wife Lucrectia Waggener in Essex County, and she moved with him. Apparently Lucrectia's brother Samuel, and her 1st cousins: Erasmus Withers Allen, James Herbert Waggener, John Waggener, and Greensbee Waggener ; all moved from Essex to Spotsylvania Counties in about this same time frame. Several of them are mentioned on the various records listed below.It appears that Lucrectia died shortly after the birth of her son Thomas Coleman. She is mentioned on the 1744 deed below, but none others. Thomas was raised by Lucrectia's first cousin, Sophia Waggener. Lucrectia appears to have had at least 5 other children with Edward: James, Henry, Phoebe, John and Robert Edward. It seems logical to presume, that if Lucretcia died near the time of Thomas' birth, Edward would have had his hands full, with the other 5, and Sophia took the baby. Probably she became attached and just kept him. Some time after this, Edward married second wife, Sarah Hutchinson. She is listed with him on records after 1763. On the will of William Hutchinson in 1763, Sarah was named executrix, presumably because she is his daughter. I am assuming that she is the mother of the the other two children who are mentioned in the will and bond records, Catherine and William, although this could be wrong. There are numerous records from Spotsylvania County listed below, which include Edward's name. He and Lucretcia seem to be established in St. George's Parish there in 1744. Besides the Waggener relatives mentioned, there are a number of Hutchinson's mentioned. Three of Edward's children married Hutchinsons, which would seem to indicate the families were close. It appears that in about 1767-1770, Edward and Sarah sold their property in St. George's Parish and moved to Berkeley Parish, also in Spotsylvania County. On a record from 1789, Edward is described as the apparent keeper of the county poor house.=========================================================From Virgina County Records, Volume 1, Spotsylvania County 1721-1800, edited by William Armstrong Crozier, 1978:****** Spotsylvania County Records, Deed Book D- 1742-1751. November 15, 1744. Edward Coleman and Lucrea his wife, of St. George Parish Spotsylvania Co., Va., to Samuel Waggoner of Essex Co., and South Farnham Parish, 12 Pounds, 100 acres in St. George Parish, Spotsylvania Co., Va.Witnessed by: James Waggoner. Joseph Reynolds, Kerenhappuch Reeves. February 5, 1744.****** Spotsylvania County Records, Deed Book E-1751-1761. August 17, 1754 Samuel Waggener and Bettie, his wife, of St. Geo. Parish, Spts. Co., to Edward Coleman of Co., and Parish afsd. L40 curr. 100a St Geo. Par., Spots. Co. Joseph Allen, Rich'd Long, Mossom x Poe. October 1, 1754.****** Spotsylvania County Records, Deed Book E-1751-1761. May 1, 1759. Erasmus Withers Allen and Sarah, his wife, of St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co., to Edward Coleman of Par. and Co. afsd. L106 curr. 300 a. in Spts. Co. Joseph Allen, Thos. Collins. May 1, 1759.****** Spotsylvania County Records, deed Book E-1751-1761. Oct. 6, 1760. William x Gholson and Susanna, his wife, of Spts. Co., to Edward Herndon of Co. afsd. L50 curr. 300 a., partly in Spts. Co., and partly in Orange Co., Witnesses, W. Robinson. W. Miller, Edwd. Coleman, Anthony Gholson, Jos. Brcok, Willm. Smith, Jos. Herndon, Hugh Lenox, Michael Robinson, Jno. Marchall, Peter x Lucas. April 6, 1761.****** Spotsylvania County Records, Will Book D- 1761-1772, pg. 42. There is a will for a William Hutchinson of St. George's Parish, dated Oct. 31, 1762, and admitted to probate July 4, 1763. Margaret Hutchinson and Sarah Coleman were qualified as executrixes, with Edward Coleman, described as the husband of Sarah, listed as the surety. ****** Spotsylvania County Records, Deed Book F-1761-1766. Feb. 11, 1763. William x Hutchason and Ruth, His wife, of St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co., to their son John Hutchason, junr. Deed of Gift. 100 a. in St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co. John Tureman, Edwd. Coleman, Edwd. Collins, Wm. Gardner, Henry Coleman, Sarah Coleman. July 4, 1763.****** Spotsylvania County Records, Guardian Bonds, Will Boo D. L200 Benjamin Hayley, guard. to Larkin and Reuben Hayley, orphs. of Thomas Hayley, with Edward Coleman, sec. Mch. 5, 1764.****** Spotsylvania County Records, Deed Book G-1766-1771. Aug. 22, 1767. Edward Coleman of Spts. Co. to Thomas Walker of Albemarle and John Hawkins of Hanover Co. L141 12s. curr. Mortgage. 300a. in Spts. Co. bought by Coleman of E.W. Allen, also 200a. whereon sd. Coleman lives; also slaves, stocks of horses, cattle, etc. Witnesses, Beverley Winslow, Ben. Winslow, Thos. Powe. Feb. 1, 1768.****** Spotsylvania County Records, Deed Book G-1766-1771. Oct. 3, 1768. Edward Coleman and Sarah, his wife, of St. Geo. Par., Spts. Co., to Samuel Alsup of Drysdale par., Caroline Co. L80 curr. 300 a. in branches of Pamunkey River in Spts. Co. No Witnesses. Oct. 3, 1768.****** Spotsylvania County Records, Will Book D- 1761-1772. Hawkins, Joseph, Spotsylvania Co., d. Mar. 30, 1769. Wit. Philm. Hawkins; Charles Cosby; W. Robinson. Ex. wife Jane and sons John and Joseph Hawkins. Leg. wife Jane, the tract of land left me by my father with that part of the back land that I purchased from Bernard Moore, Gentl; son Joseph land adjoining James Jones, Edward Coleman and others; my two daughters Lucy and Hawkins. (page 525)****** Spotsylvania County Records, Deed Book G-1766-1771. Feb. 28, 1770. John Glinn and Elizabeth, his wife, of Berkeley Par. and Co., to Edward Coleman of Par. and Co. afsd. L50 curr. 200 a. in Par. and Co. afsd., in branches of Plentiful Run. James Davis, John Gadbery, Robert Edward Coleman. June 4, 1770.****** Spotsylvania County Records, Deed Book H-1771-1774. May 18, 1773. Edward Coleman and Sarah, his wife, of Berkeley Par., Spts. Co. to Henry Coleman of Par. and Co. afsd. L50 curr. 200 a. on Plentiful Run in Par. and Co. afsd. John Huterson, Junr.; John Coleman, Thomas Coleman. No date of Record.****** Spotsylvania County Records, Deed Book J-1774-1782. Oct. 18, 1775. Richard Coleman of Berkeley Par., Spts. Co., Carpenter, and Ann, his wife, to their son, Francis Coleman. Deed of Gift. 110 1/2 a. in Par. and Co. afsd. Wm. Parker, bevy. Winslow, Jno. Smith, Edward Coleman. April 18, 1776.****** Spotsylvania County Records, Deed Book J-1774-1782. Aug. 11, 1781. Sarah x Hawkins, relict of Philemon Hawkins, dec'd,; Philemon Hawkins and Catherine, his wife, of Berkeley Par., Spts. Co. to Beverley Winslow of same par. and county. L30,000 paper curr. and L110 specie. 300 a. in same par. and county whereon sd. Sarah, etc., now lives. Edwd Herndon, Willm. Mills, Rich'd Coleman, Richd. Dickinson, Edwd. Coleman. Dec. 20, 1781.****** Spotsylvania County Records, Deed Book L-1785-1788. April 3, 1787. Thomas x Allen and Sarah, his wife, of Berkeley Par., Spots. Co., to Robt. Edward Coleman of same par. and co. L100 curr. 50 a., purchased of Danl. Lambert, in Berkeley Par. Spots. Co., etc. etc. Jos. Chew, Edwd. Coleman, Edwd. Herndon, jr. March 3, 1787.****** Spotsylvania County Records, Deed Book M-1788-1791. April 7, 1789. Edwd. Herndon, Wm. Bronaugh and Lewis Holloday, overseers of the poor in Berkeley Par., Spts. Co., apprentice Mary Murphy to "Edward Coleman, house keeper of the Parish and County afsd., etc. No witnesses. April 7, 1789.****** Spotsylvania County Records. Coleman, Edward, Berkeley Parish, Spotsylvania Co., d. Nov. 28, 1794, Executors Bond dated Jan. 6, 1795. Wit. Richard Gaines, William Moore, Henry Walker. Ex. sons James and Thomas Coleman, James Powell. Leg. wife Sarah; sons James and Thomas; grandson James Coleman, son of Robert Edward Coleman; other children Caty Waggoner, Phebe Hutchinson, Henry Coleman, William Coleman. (Page 1403)========================================================Some other miscellaneous records:****** Virginia Tax Records, Slave Owners in Spotsylvania County, 1783. Edward Coleman is listed with 2 slaves.****** Edward was listed as being paid for provisions furnished the Continental Army. Minute Book 1774-1782, page 197.****** From records of the Spotsylvania County Poor House and Farm, it appears that Edward was the keeper of the poor house and farm for some period of time. Deed Book M, page 361.****** Edward's will was dated November 28, 1794, and admitted to probate on January 6, 1795. (Will Book E. page 1402) The names of his children are given in his will:James m. Sarah Taylor (Orange County marriage records, 1780)Thomas m. Nancy PembertonPhoebe m. John HutchinsonRobert Edward m. Catherine (Caty) RobinsonHenry m. Mary Ann HutchinsonJohn m. Hannah HutchinsonCatherine (Caty) m. _______ WaggonerWilliam (?)