My Mother, Mildred Louise House Burns, 1911-1999, told of her father. She remembered being in Corona, Colorado, on Rollins Pass, playing outside, seeing small animal tracks where she was playing. Her father was a depot agent there. She told of having frost biten fingers, and how painful that was. She remembers him, not being around anymore. She said she was probably about 7 years old.

George had two sisters, Nancie Louise, and Mary Jane; both married Doctors. One a country Doctor and the other, a city Doctor. I think I found information on Nancie Louise on Ancestry.COM, but I haven't found anything on Mary Jane.

I found George's WWI Enlistment Card. It was dated September 12, 1918, he was 42 years old, and worked as a pipefitter for the AT&SF Rail Road. His address was Winslow, Navajo, Arizona. He was missing 4 fingers on his left hand. His nearest relative was listed as Mrs. Sarah M. Jones, Louisville, Kentucky.