In the name of God Amen, March the nineteenth day in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty three. I George Robinson of the county of Augusta and the colony of Virginia being sick and weak in body but of sound mind and memory thanks be to God for the same, therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body do make and ordain this my last will and testament, first I recommend my soul unto the hands of God hoping for eternal salvation through the merits of Jesus Christ and as for my body I recommend it to the earth. To be buried in a christen like and decent manner in the graveyard of my dwelling house, also such worldly goods estate where with it hath pleased god to bless me with. I devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form, first it is my will that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid out of my moveable estate or such part there of as my executors may think proper to dispose of for that purpose. In primas I give and bequeath to Martha my dearly beloved wife her bed and bed clothes, also her riding mare and saddle, also my will is that my said wife and my eldest sons James and Samuel have all the profits arising from my mill and plantation during her widowhood, in consideration of which they are cloth maintain and school all my younger children, which children are to assist in working the said plantation and mill and when my younger sons george and william are grownups fit to be put to the trades, it is my will that they be bound to such trades as they and my heirs or survivors there of may think proper and in case my said wife should marry, it is my desire that the third of the plantation be laid of for her according to law as also one third of the profits of the mill, she bearing a third of the expenses of all and any in keeping the same in repair, item i give and bequeath to my two sons james and samuel all that tract of land ( with the enteries that join it ) together with the mill to be divided equally between them in quantity and quality and should they disagree about the division there of to choose two or more judious men to divide the same in the above manner by whose word they are to abide and when so divided, the same james and samuel are to pay sarah my eldest daughter within three years after this date the sum of twenty pounds current money and a breeding mare of the value of ten pounds also to each of my other daughters Cathern , Priscilla, and Martha the sum of twenty pounds, a breeding mare of the value of ten pounds when they shall arrive of age of eighteen years and should any of my daughters die before they are of that age, the said sum is to be kept by my two sons as their own property and be paid to any of the surviving sisters, as also the said James and Samuel are to pay my two younger sons George and William the sum of fourty pounds each when they shall reach the age of twenty one years and if one of them die before their time it is my will that his fourty pounds be paid to the survivors, and should both die before they arrive at age their fourty to be equally divided such of my daughters as may be then alive and the remainder to fall unto my sons James and Samuel, and shalt my personal estate amount to more, then will pay off my just debts, it is my will that the same may be kept for my wife and eldest sons in order to enable them to bring up my other children, and should my wife marry she is to have one more part of such personel estate as coming to the value therein,and paying debts off and the remaining two thirds to be the property of my two sons to enable them to maintain the children after my wifes marriage and to pay off the above mentioned legacies and i do hereby appoint my said wife executor and my two sons james and samuel executors of this my last will and testament hereby revoking and making void all former and other wills and legacies by me made and declaring this to be my last will and testament in witness whereof i have here unto my hand and seal the day and year above written, signed sealed, published and declared by the said George Robinson as his last Will and testament in the presence of us the subscribers.

Wm. Preston

Wm. Graham

Joseph Robinson

John Robinson

Francis Graham

At a court case held for Augusta county June 25, 1763, this last Will and testament of george robinson deceased was proven by the oaths of Wm. Preston, Wm. Graham, and Joseph Robinson, three of the witnesses there to and ordered to be recorded and on the motion Martha, James and Samuel Robinson the executors therein named who made oath to same, certificate is granted them for obtaining a probate there of in due form, they having with surety intered into according to law.