DE SiLLE, NiCASIUS, 1610-1694.

From Arnhem, Gelderland.

Died in Nieuw Utrecht.

First Councillor to the Director-General, 1653-1664.

Commissioner to superintend the fortifications of Nieuw

Amsterdam, 1653.

Vice-Director of the Colony during the absence of Gov.

Stu3Pv^esant in the West Indies, 1654-1655.

Commissioner of Boundaries, 1654, 1656.

Schout Fiscal of Nieuw Nederland, 1656.

Schout of Nieuw Amsterdam, 1656-1661.

Captain Lieutenant of the Burgher Corps, 1656.

The first records of Nieuw Utrecht are in his handwriting,

signed " N de Sille," 1656.

Proprietor in Nieuw Utrecht, 1657.


Commissioner to settle affairs at the Suydt Rivier Colony.


Commissioner to survey and enclose Breuckelen and Nieuw

Utrecht, 1660.

Commissioner to counteract the mutinous proceedings m

the English towns on Long Island.

8, 47, 54, 59, 78.