Pieter Wolfersen van Couwenhoven was first nominated for the position of
orphan master at New Amsterdam on 19 October 1655.

Cocheu, in the source previously cited, gives this summery of Pieter (I'm
paraphrasing the following).
2 Feb 1653 he is on the committee to arrange for security of the city (New
Orphan Master, 18 Oct 1655
Appointed judge of the Orphan's Court, 25 Feb 1656
Fire buckets to hang at his house, 15 Dec 1657
Resigned from the Orphans Court, 7 Feb 1659
Again Orphan Master, 10 March 1662
Resigned as schepen to join Cregier's company as Lieut., 26 June 1663
Takes oath of office, 20 June 1663
Member of the council of war, 30 June 1663
Goes to Esopus with troops, 30 June 1663
Sends soldiers to Harlem and other villages, 27 Aug 1663
In command of two yachts on the Hudson River, 15 October 1663
To find out if Wappingers and Esopus Indians are disposed to make peace, 21
Nov 1663
Reports dissatisfaction among them, 15 March 1664
Complains of billeting assessment, 2 May 1665
Elected a city surveyor, 3 April 1666

In addition, I have that Pieter, with Sara Uyt den Eyckenhout, witnessed a
baptism at the NY RDC on 25 Dec 1667 - Johannes; parents: Cornelis Pluvier,
Neeltje van Couwenhoven (Neeltje was Pieter's niece, a daughter of his
brother Jacob).

Cocheu also states that Pieter was "living in 1700," but does not provide
an event. He says that Pieter was a brewer and lived at the corner of
Whitehall and Pearl Streets. His first wife was buried by the church in
1665, and afterwards Pieter "occupied principally his farmhouse at
Elizabethtown, N. J."

Cocheu ends by stating that the info on Pieter's family is "far from
satisfactory" and he welcomes additions, corrections, and authorities.

There are 33 years between 1667 and 1700 that need to be filled in.
